The Parish of St Mary and St Paul, welcomes those who wish to be baptised. To register your child for baptism please contact the priest for further information and an application form. Baptisms at St Mary's are usually held on Sundays after the 11.00am Mass Baptisms at St Paul's are usually held on Saturdays at 1:00pm. You will be required to nominate at least one Godparent who must be present to assist in the Catholic upbringing of the child, but you can have up to two Godparents, one Godfather and one Godmother. The Godparent(s) must be 16 years or older and a practising Catholic who has been Confirmed and made their first Holy Communion. Baptised Christians of other churches can be witnesses, but only in addition to the Catholic Godparent. If you cannot find a suitable Godparent yourself, the Parish Priest can nominate someone. If the Godparent cannot attend the Baptism, they can act by proxy. Baptisms are registered and records are kept at the church. You or your child can obtain a copy of this certificate at any subsequent time by contacting the Parish Priest. This would normally be used in the event of preparing for marriage.